Project Week: Tiger Temple
The group rose bright and early this Sunday to head out for Wat Tham Seua, otherwise known as Tiger Temple. It's a must visit site in Krabi province as the temple is situated atop a mountain and requires quite a climb to enjoy the 360 degree views. After a quick stop at the southern market for some sticky rice and donuts (great fuel to get up the 1,237 steps), the group loaded in the van and prepared themselves for the ascent.
We arrived at the temple in the early morning light and wandered past the mischevious monkeys to the bottom of the stairs. Everyone made it to the top (though some at a more leaisurely pace than others) and marvelled at the view. What a reward to such an effort with the only sound being the distant whir of cicadas in the distance.
The Tiger Temple looks gorgeous in the morning!
Starting the ascent!
The view from the top!
We made it!
After the jelly-legged bunch made it to the bottom, we ventured in to Krabi town to enjoy a well-deserved lunch.

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