Village Project MOU 2009

After over a year of projects and 22 different villages, GVI and the Community Development Office decided to revamp the project to meet the demands of the communities. The main areas of interest were narrowed down to 1)litter and recycling, 2)mangroves, and 3)teaching school children. It was decided that projects for 2009 would combine the 3. GVI volunteers would focus on working with the schools in each village bringing them English activities and environmental education.

After weeks of preparation, Wednesday was the official signing of the MOUs (Memorandum of Understanding) for the 2009 Ao Luk Village Projects. 23 villages were chosen and the heads of those villages, the directors of the schools, and the heads of the various sub districts were invited to join the Ao Luk Community Development Office, the mayor and GVI in signing the MOUs at the Ao Luk district office. There was a full house. A slide show provided pictures from past village projects, the mayor and GVI's Thailand Country Director gave speeches, and after the signings refreshments of coffee and cakes were served.
GVI is looking forward to another year of providing educational support for the Ao Luk community.

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