Preparing mangroves for planting
The local Department of Marine and Coastal Resources has a special project to plant thousands of mangrove seedlings before the end of the year as part of a royal project and have asked GVI's assistance to get the seedlings planted in some of the local wetlands. Mangroves are important coastal trees that serve as a buffer zone against storms, wind, waves and rising tides as well as nurseries and homes for many marine creatures and birds. Thailand is one of many countries working to educate their communities about the importance of caring for these marine ecosystems which have often been degraded for use of making charcoal, putting in shrimp and crab farms, development and other business ventures. GVI Thailand have teamed up the DMCR to replant some of Ao Luk's mangrove forest in upcoming weeks.
On Thursday, some of GVI staff went out to Bor Thor, a nearby village to help move some seedlings and prepare for future plantings.
Stay tuned for more mangrove news to come!

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