End of Term 27 at the Ao Luk NFE Center!
Thursday was the final day of classes for the 27th term of free English classes taught by GVI TEFL volunteers, interns and staff at the Ao Luk Non-Formal Education Center.
GVI teachers sat down with students to evaluate them one by one on the information they studied through out the 4 week term. These evaluations help the teachers to gauge how much new language the student acquired and decide if they are ready to be promoted to the next level of classes.
While students were being evaluated other students and GVI teachers passed the time with some fun games and activities.
At the end of the evening students who attended at least 85% of the classes (13 out of 16 classes) this term were presented with a certificate of completion.
On Friday night there will be an end of term party/Halloween party at the GVI base providing both GVI teachers and Ao Luk students to come together and celebrate the end of another successful class term.

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