Boat Ride at Laem Sak
One of the greatest things about working with the Ao Luk community is the fabulous opportunities to come this way. On Sunday GVI teachers were personally invited by the mayor and his wife to join them on a boat ride to promote and explore the new Laem Sak pier and the surrounding waters and attractions.

The event on Sunday was a promotional boat ride hosted by Laem Sak's sub district office. Old fashioned hand made boats specifically made for use at this pier and were given their first test run on Sunday. The traditional style of the boat was once utilized widely but has been replaced by the engine run long-tailed boats. These slightly smaller, hand paddled, beautifully handcrafted boats are said to act similar to the gondolas of Venice. A single boat driver stands at the back of the boat, using crisscrossed oars to push and steer. The head of the sub district video taped the event in hopes of creating a promotional video to draw tourists to Laem Sak and Ao Luk.

The day began early at the new pier. Everyone piled into boats and headed for the mangrove channels with the karst rock formations setting a dramatic background. The overcast day provided perfect weather for a boat ride, protecting everyone from the usually bright sun. Back in the mangroves everyone had the opportunity to try their hand at driving the Thai style 'gondolas'. The boat was easy enough to push along but the challenge came in steering the boats. Hats off to the boat drivers who did it with such ease!
The boats carried everyone on to the open seas. Ancient cave paintings on the surrounding karsts dated 3,000-5,000 years ago and provided remnants from a time when life was simpler and the waters were higher. The boats passed by mountains jutting from the sea, hidden caves and grottoes, desert beaches, and local villagers collecting fish, shellfish, and shrimp.

Back at the pier, after photos and thank yous, the GVI teachers were invited for lunch at the well known Laem Sak Seafood Restaurant. Set against an amazing backdrop of sea and distance islands, everyone dug into fried and steamed fish, large shrimp in tamarind sauce, squid fried with garlic and pepper, shrimp omelet, stir fried veggies, shrimp paste and rice. Everyone returned home full and satisfied after a perfect day out!

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