Z's Intern Case Study
I applied for the internship as it seemed like a great way to gain a TEFL while gaining solid teaching experience over the 9 month period. Also, it was the perfect opportunity to spend some more time in another country and to get to know the Thai culture.
Overall I had a great experience. I really enjoyed my first 3 months in Ao Luk gaining my TEFL and living with the other volunteers and staff on base. The village projects and activity weeks were great and the atmosphere on base was really good with a great mix of people.
I loved having my own Level 3 class in the community and felt more comfortable with the teaching. I found teaching Level 6 a very challenging but ultimately great experience. The students were all great.
I also really enjoyed my home stay in Laem Sak during the last half of the second expedition. I found this to be a really rewarding experience, teaching in the community and also at the local school. Also having the independence of living on my own, was a welcome break after being on base for 4 months.
My time at Laem Sak was a definite highlight. I really enjoyed my time with the locals and their hospitality was wonderful. Never once did I feel isolated as I could always come back to base to catch up with friends and get advice from the members of staff.
The internship was a really rewarding experience all around both personally and professionally. Personally, it made me realise how humble Thai people are and how much we (the western world) take for granted. I have also made some really good friends, both Thai and GVI related. Professionally, I have really enjoyed the teaching side of things, and will hopefully try and embark on a TEFL career in Asia.

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