On Friday, the GVI team visited Khao Lawm School in the village of Khao Lawm in the Khao Ya

i sub district. The school has 95 students from pre-school through 6th grade. GVI volunteers led the 71 1st-6th graders in fun, simple English activities and an environmental workshop. Students rotated through activities about fruits, numbers and animals which included vocabulary activities, songs and games. All students also participated in a special environmental education activity combining Thai and English to learn about litter and recycling. At the end students took a pledge to help keep their community clean and became honorary members of the GVI Green Team.

After the educational activity students and teachers gathered together to clean up the trash at the near by temple.

After an exhausting morning of fun and work everyone returned to the school with a delicious lunch. GVI brought along the usual picnic lunch of sandwiches and salad and the school subsidized it with some Thai omelet and bananas.

Village Project: Khao Lawm!
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