Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Thai Lessons: The Elephant Song!

While expedition members work hard to gain a qualification as a trained TEFL teacher in the community of Ao Luk they also have time to be students themselves. Biweekly Thai classes follow lunch, allowing EMs to learn the basics of the Thai language. The lessons are designed and taught by GVI's Thai speaking staff on base. Topics include numbers, small talk, bargaining, colors and time and are meant to help EMs get around town and the rest of the country. The style of teaching is similar to the student-centered learning supported in the GVI TEFL Program and includes lots of fun and interactive games and resources. Watch the video to see our Thai students learning a famous Thai children's song called, "Pleng Chang".

If you want to sing along it goes like this:

"Chang, Chang, Chang, Chang, Chang
Nawng curry hin chang reu baw
Chang man tua tow mai baw
Jamook yao, yao liak wa nuang
Mee kiaw dthai nuang liak wa nga
Mee hu, mee dtaa, hang yao"

and translates to:

"Elephant, elephant, elephant, elephant, elephant
Child, have you ever seen an elephant?
An elephant, it's big not light
A long, long nose, called a trunk
It has teeth under it's trunk called tusks
It has ears, and eyes and a long tail"
