Surviving the first week of Teaching Children!
Kim teaching Thai students
Survived the first week of teaching! What an amazing week. Experiencing a new school nearly every day is both exciting and hard. We have taught all age groups and abilities. The children are beautiful, adorable and just love us 'farang' (foreigners). They are so appreciative of us being there and look at us like we are celebrities! It is tough sometimes not being able to properly communicate with them, but you soon learn ways to use body language to help understand each other. It is so rewarding when the children start to understand the words and sentences you are teaching them, especially as Thai children are dedicated workers. The staff treat you so well too, as they are so grateful of you being there. You get some amazing, if not slightly crazy lunches there!
After a very long first week, it was then weekend time! This weekend was kayaking, and staying in the tourist town of Ao Nang. Kayaking was incredible with the most breathtaking scenery possible, with some added comedy of me and Ro limboing under a tree because Liv and Caitlyn accidentally pushed us into low trees! Great fun :-) Ao Nang involved: sunbathing, Thai massage and pedicures; what a successful, immense first week.
Kim Shinedling,Teaching Children in Thailand, 4 week Volunteer

Good job.
Voluntary work
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