A new challenge for the interns after holiday madness
After 10 weeks on base, completing their TEFL course, getting in some teaching practice and learning a few smooth Thai dancing moves, our interns spent their Christmas and New Year break exploring Thailand and the rest of South East Asia.
Some spent their time relaxing, taking it easy and seeing the sights; others ran a half marathon in Chiang Mai! Jon, Phil & Lana spent their Christmas day running to raise money for our Elephant Conservation project in Chiang Mai. The aim was to raise funds to rescue and elephant from working in tourism, where they are often badly treated, and return them to the forest. The funds raised will also contribute to covering the loss of earnings of the elephant's owner. You can still donate now! Visit Jon or Lana's fund raising pages to make a contribution.
After relaxing, or running, over their break, the interns are now all settled in their placements around the Krabi and Phang Nga provinces for the next 3 months. It's been a fairly eventful week for them all as they get used to their new surroundings; Lana's blog gives a great summation of her first few days in Koh Lanta and how she has embraced her new life!
Jon & Nathan, who are starting their placements on base in Ao Luk, are working hard to help prepare base for our new arrivals this Saturday 14th Jan. Thank you boys for all your hard work, particularly Jon who must still be hurting after his run :-)
Good luck to all our interns; we hope you enjoy your placements as much as we enjoyed having you around on base!

Well, that was a tough challenge for anyone. But it would had given you great relief after performing such import task.
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