'Teaching Children' volunteers arrive in Ao Luk!
30th October 2011
In the lobby hall of the Thai hotel the new ‘Teaching Children’ volunteers finally got to meet each other for the first time; with us all making our way from different countries and experiences we had a lot to talk about. Our ‘Teaching Children’ leader, Apple, was there to meet us for the ride to our base in Ao Luk which we would be calling home for the next 2 to 6 weeks. Upon arrival on base the TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) guys were just leaving for their long weekend in Phuket, returning to base in 5 days (just enough time for us to settle into base camp life!). We met our project manager, Jax, who gave us a tour of the base whilst understanding that we were tired, jet lagged and a bit nervous at first.
Isabelle, Virginie, Elise, Erika, Taylor, John, Apple, Richard and Laura
The first meal we had on base was just a taste of things to come; home cooked Thai food was on the menu, yummy! We found our bed in the dorm and took some time to unpack the basics, then we headed off to the national park which was just a 5 minute walk down the road. There we were surrounded by a picturesque network of waterfalls and some of us had the bottle to jump in and take a refreshing dip. On our return to base we took some time to get to know our group members and enjoyed another wonderful Thai feast. For some of us it was early to bed to get some well earned rest, though a couple found their way to the local karaoke bar accompanied by a stray TEFL intern who had stayed at base.
Laura Bishop

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