The first day of school...
2nd November 2011
Today was the first day of school for my team; we were a team of three and headed to the school Ban Klong Hin. When we arrived there we were all really nervous; it brought back memories of the first day of school as a child. The children at the school were all very happy, excited, and eager to get started learning English. The first class that we taught went as expected - we went over names and numbers with them. The second class was more advanced and presented a challenge for our team. Overall, I was really impressed with the level of English and felt that GVI was really making a difference in the school. Thankfully we were in a team of three and with the help of my team we were able to review and teach the advanced children new games and new English words.
Erika, Virginie & Richard with some happy students!
As our day continued the levels of the children went up and down in skill level. My team was made up of Virginie, Richard, and myself . We each took turns being creative and coming up with new ideas and games to play according to each classes skill level. At the end of the day we were exhausted and all of the children were happily repeating to us the new words that they had learned over the course of the day. It was very rewarding to see all of the kids so happy and wanting pictures with their new teachers. I think my whole team would agree that day one was a success!
Erika Kilgore

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