Parting words from a GVI TEFL graduate..
28th October 2011
Thanks to Sarah Cooper a.k.a. 'Seeerah!' for these lovely words - we'll miss you! Big thanks and fond farewells to Sarah, Steff & Coen for all their hard work...
Well, it is coming to the end of my last week, and the last week of class for the term, so I thought I would share a few parting thoughts.
Last night was the final TEFL class for this term. All of our students received their attendance certificates, as the teachers looked on proudly. We were all so impressed by the progress of our students over the term, and in celebrating their achievements felt honoured by the fact that we were able to help them in a way that meant so much to them. Not to mention the paparazzi! I am pretty sure I experienced momentary epilepsy!
For anyone considering joining a program such as this, I would say “just go for it!” My four weeks with GVI Thailand has been one of the greatest experiences and steepest learning curves in my life.
I came to the program thinking “How am I going to teach these people when I can not speak a word of Thai?!”. I now leave with a bag full of tricks - skills, activities, games, strategies and ideas for teaching English as a foreign language.
This program is so amazing because you get to see both sides of Thailand. Living in Ao Luk affords you the privilege of being the only group of foreigners living in the town. As a result of this you experience “real” Thailand. You get a taste of the Thai way of life, you can try some delicious Thai cuisine, you have the opportunity to attend events you normally would not get the chance to see (Thai wedding celebrations, Buddhist prayer ceremonies), and most importantly, you get to meet, communicate and form friendships with many of the Thai locals.
Over my four weeks I have developed a great respect and a bit of a soft spot for the Ao Luk locals. I have found them to be friendly, generous, and very supportive of GVI’s mission.
On the flip side, you also get to experience the beauty and wonderment that is Thailand. I have visited many tourist locations such as Ao Nang, Railay and Koh Phi Phi. It has been great to have that balance.
I would like to congratulate the team on achieving their TEFL qualifications - yey! We did it! I am sure everyone would agree when I say we could not have done it without the help and support from our trainers Steve and Rachael. Thanks guys! Thank you also to the rest of the staff on base, without our staff team this place would turn into a circus (well, more of a circus).
As my last day draws closer I feel excited and sad. Excited at the thought of regaining the luxuries of life – air conditioning, running hot showers (with pressure!), a microwave, cheese and milk! Sad that I have to leave my new home, new friends, and my lovely students.
Bye everyone! Come and visit me down under!
The Aussie
P.s - Steve, it is put another prawn on the barbie!
If you'd like to donate to our fund to support victims of the floods across Thailand visit here to donate pounds or here to donate in US dollars - watch this space for updates, coming soon!
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