Visit to the Landslide Village in Khao Phanom
Charin, the Director of the Khao Phanom NFE Center will help Tongpoon start up a som tam shop underneath her temporary housing. Help fund initiatives like these at
On Saturday, GVI representatives paid a visit to some of the villages that were hit by the deadly landslides in Khao Phanom, Krabi last month. Some of the damage was absolutely shocking. Hundreds of displaced people are currently living in temporary corrugated steel buildings provided by Thailand's volunteer rescue association. Families can live in these houses for up to 1 year before they have to find an alternative housing solution. Hopefully, all will find assistance to be able to rebuild their homes and their lives.
Donations of food and household goods pour into the temporary village on a daily basis and basic needs are being met. However, families that lost their livelihoods along with their homes don't have much to do in their new temporary home. The Khao Phanom Non-Formal Education Center is working to solve this problem. They have set up a book center to provide a place for people to read in their free time. The NFE Center is also donating funds for one woman to set up a som tam (spicy papaya salad) shop underneath her steel home.
Temporary Corrugated Steel Houses-Displaced families can live here for up to 1 year
GVI Thailand would love to assist with these initiatives to help rebuild the lives of these displaced families and will be working with the Khao Phanom NFE Center to do so. You can help by donating funds to the Just Giving site here. We will use these funds to replace household goods and make repairs for flood victims as well as the landslide villages. The more money we can collect the further our assistance will reach so please help!
Displaced families hanging out under their temporary houses

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