Wednesday, February 9, 2011

English Camp at Khao Yai Resort

On the 8th and 9th February 2011 GVI ran a 2 day English Camp for the Non-Formal Education Centre (NFE) at Khao Yai resort just outside Ao Luk. 2 staff and 6 volunteers ran English speaking games and exercises for 78 students of the NFE for the annual event and it seems a lot of fun was had.

An early start on Tuesday 8th saw TEFL volunteers Neil, Simone, Sonia, Tim, Dan B and Rachael head out of Ao Luk in a song thaew (an open back Thai bus) through beautiful mountainous scenery to Khao Yai resort where students and Thai staff of the NFE were staying overnight. Activities started at 9am with an opening ceremony in Thai. GVI’s volunteers were then called upon to introduce themselves and start the English Camp.

A full morning of activities (including English songs and learning directions and foods) was followed by a wonderful Thai lunch. The afternoon saw rotation activities and then free time, followed by an evening of English performances from the students. After watching the students perform a fashion show, a tourist scenario and some Thai dancing, the evening came to an end and heads hit pillows.

Wednesday started with a rice soup breakfast and then an A-Z scavenger hunt. At the end of the camp, the volunteers headed back to the GVI base and had a relaxing afternoon swimming in the national park over the road.



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