Construction and Renovation Project Begins
6 new volunteers came out to join the GVI Ao Luk team for 1 to 2 week construction and renovation holidays. The focus of this project is to improve educational facilities in Ao Luk. Over the next 2 weeks volunteers will work together to make improvements to the local Non-Formal Education Center, one of GVI Ao Luk's local project partners. Some of the priority projects are fixing walls, ceilings and roof, painting classrooms, painting murals, landscaping, cleaning and signage to make the center into a better educational facility for the community to utilize. Over the years GVI has invested a lot of funds and man (and woman!) power to making improvements on the dilapidated facility which has quickly become used by the Non-Formal Education Center to teach computers and tae kwon do, the Agricultural college, a local summer school as well as the location for GVI's free English classes for the local community.
These volunteers have a busy and exhausting 2 weeks ahead of them but they also have opportunity to dig in, get creative and make an impact in the local community. Good luck to them all and stay tuned for more pictures and news!

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