Fashion Day!
The second activity day for the Songkran Activity week at the GVI base was all about clothes, colors, and fashion! It was another big turn out and the energy was even higher as students and volunteers had settled into their roles and were ready to have a good time.
Activities included:

Twister: A slight variation from the old school party game, students move around colored circles while music plays. When the music stops, they listen for 4 colors which they have to touch with hands and feet.

Clothes Vocabulary: Listening to vocabulary for different clothing objects, students on opposing teams run to be the first one to slap the correct picture.

What's he/she wearing Word Jumbles: Two different teams raced to unjumble words related to clothing.

Clothesline Relay: A clothesline was set up with a variety of different types and colors of clothes. In 2 teams, a description (ex: brown shirt) is passed up the line until the person at the front has to find the item from the line, take it down, and put it on.

Paper Dolls: Students used their English clothes vocabulary to dress up paper dolls.

Change Chairs if: This is a GVI classroom favorite. A large circle of chairs are set up, one less than the number playing. All but one sits on a chair while 1 person stands in the middle. The person in the middle says something like; "Stand up if you are wearing a black T-shirt". Anyone wearing a black T-shirt must stand up and find a new seat. The person in the middle also tries to get a seat, leaving one person to be the 'middle man/woman'. The game continues until everyone is exhausted.

Hat Making: Students had the opportunity to let their creative juices flow and fashion some handmade hats made from recycled and found objects. Objects included plastic cups, yogurt containers, tinsel and magazine clippings. Some of the creations were impressive, to say the least.
Back by popular demand....Pictionary!

And the climactic activity of the evening was the Fashion Show! Participants (some volunteering, others coerced by their friends) dressed up in a range of eccentric fashion and strutted their stuff on the GVI catwalk. The audience described in English what the supermodel was wearing.

wishing I was there for songkran!!
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