Adventure Day!
Today was the final day of GVI's Songkran activities at the GVI base. Adventure day was as big of a hit as the previous 2 days. Each day at least 40-50 community members joined in on the fun and festivities.
Thursday's activities included:
Question water balloon toss: Not your ordinary water balloon toss. Students stood in a big circle and asked questions in English before throwing the balloon to another person. That person was required to answer the question (with or without getting soaked!)

Animal relay: In two teams, an animal flashcard was revealed to one team mate from each team. They must pass the name of the animal (in English) quietly to the front of the line where another team mate digs through a pile of words until they find the correct one.

Airplane Flying: This one didn't require much English, but it sure was fun. Students designed their own paper airplanes which they attempted to fly through different sized holes.

Musical Chairs: Musical chairs was requested by several students over the last couple of nights and today it was delivered! A huge game was organized and it got very competitive!
More Pictionary (of course!!!): This game is the gift that keeps on giving. Students were absolutely crazy about it and the game never lost its thrill for a second.

And the big event of the night was a Treasure Hunt! Students used their English skills to solve clues that took them around the GVI base.
This week was a great opportunity for volunteers to get to know their students and the community, and experience a bit of Thai culture. They are very lucky to be in Thailand at this festive time of year!

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