Cooking Day
The first evening of Songkran Week activities at the GVI base was focused on food. More than 50 students and their family members came out throughout the evening to take part in the activities and games.
The games and activities included were:
Cooking workshops on making tuna fish sandwiches, fruit smoothies and vegetable salad. Using English and simple recipes students had the opportunity to talk their way through these treats. And the best part was the when they were finished they got to eat the fruits of their labor. Eating is definitely a favorite Thai past time and the snacks were greatly appreciated. Students went on to teach volunteers how to make their own local versions including a tomato smoothie!

Taste Taste: Students were blindfolded and given different samples to taste. They were encouraged to describe the flavor or texture and what they thought the food was, all in English. Taste treats included milk (cold, bland, creamy), salt (salty), cookies (sweet, crunchy) and chewing gum (sweet, chewy).

Apple Bobbing: An oldy but a goody this gave students the opportunity to have a snack without too much work. It was a nice wet break from the other English activities.

Fruit Feel Box: Different fruits are placed in a box with a hole for the hand. Without peeking students used their sense of touch to decide which fruit it is and say the name in English. It is a great vocabulary activity for the kiddies.

Fishing for Words: Using makeshift fishing poles, participants tried to snag different food word cards including foods (lime, rice, coffee) and taste adjectives (sour, salty, spicy). They could use the words for pronunciation and vocabulary or for making sentences.

Concentration: This matching game allowed players to find pairs that showed food vocabulary pictures and words.
And the hit of the night was....Tim's Pictionary Party. Based in the lounge, the very simple game of pictionary drove in the crowds through out the night. Tim kept busy for the full 3 hours of the evening session and there were still students playing after hours!

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