MAP Calendar winner from Laem Sak!
You may remember back to an art contest GVI held at Pratheep Tham Wittaya School in Laem Sak. Students created art work about how they feel about mangroves in their community. The 3 winning pieces of artwork were sent to the Mangrove Action Project office in the US to join the contest to choose the winning artwork for the 2011 MAP calendar representing children's artwork from around the world.
And the results are in! We are very proud to announce that Sarawut, a 13 year old student at Pratheep Tham Wittaya School in Laem Sak is a winner and his artwork titled, Mangrove Grow, Mangrove Love will be featured for the month of June in the 2011 calendar.
Sarawut will receive a free calendar and a certificate from Mangrove Action Project and we hope that others are inspired by his artwork.
For a preview of the calendar have a look here.

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