English Camp for Surat Thani NFE Students
Three months ago teachers from the Non-Formal Education Center in Surat Thani joined the Ao Luk NFE team and GVI teachers for a lovely lunch and icebreaker game at the GVI base. The teachers had such a good time practicing their English with our teachers, they decided to send some of their students out to Ao Luk this week for a GVI English Camp.
The one day camp for 48 students was held at Ao Luk's NFE center and covered a variety of topics. We started out the morning with some get-to-know-you question and answer games followed by a shopping activity in which students studied numbers and objects and later, 'went to the market' buying and selling items to their classmates.
After a break for lunch we moved on to a lesson on giving directions and practiced with the always enjoyable pin-the-tail activity. The day ended with a lesson on clothing and an entertaining fashion show, in which students walked the catwalk (err classroom :-) ) while their classmates described their ensembles.
All in all, it was a great day and we were thrilled to have students from the Surat Thani NFE center. Hope to see you all again!

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