Little posing session at Camillian! |
Hey, my name is Lance and I would like to take you trough my week here in Baan Nam Khem as a teaching children (TC) volunteer... Ready? OK, then here we go!
Superman for superkids!! |
Most of my Mondays are now spent planning lessons as I have a higher than usual workload being the only teaching children volunteer currently on base. However, after completing the majority of my lesson plans I got to spend some time joining the healthcare volunteers at Camillian, which is a place where physically and mentally disabled children go, as they are not able to attend school. We usually do some activities aimed at stimulating the children both physically and mentally. Afterwards, we went to the orphanage; it is very informal and, unlike school, the kids have no obligation to learn English which can sometimes lead to frustrating waits. However, if we do have to wait we get to spend some time with the most amazing children who are so affectionate and playful. In my opinion, providing the attention they crave so much is just as important as teaching, and it is this specifically which gives me the most fulfilment.
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday are spent mostly at the school teaching children from 7-15 years old. Being an engineering graduate I did find teaching English to children a little out of my comfort zone, but as time has gone on I feel I have progressed and have got better at setting more fun and more effective exercises for the children to complete. Learning while having fun is an essential ingredient at this age.
"Tomato, now repeat, TOMATO" :) |
For example, one lesson this week was based around food. Firstly, I teach the children different food flashcards, then how to spell each flashcard, incorporating games such as slap it, pictionary and what's missing, which they all seem to love. Then I introduce them to a role play in a restaurant which gets everyone very energetic as well as allowing them to practise something that is incredible useful. Now the kids can easily order, take orders, pay and receive payments for food etc, and, on the top of it, I can say I did that!! It's just great!
I hope you have enjoyed my week as much as I did! :) We always have to remember that the 2004 tsunami caused absolute destruction in this town making teaching children and spending time at the orphanage and with physically and mentally disabled children at Camillian even more worthwhile.
But now that I feel good about my week and the work I have done, I am going to take care of my week-end!! :)
Lance De Souza - TC volunteer

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