Goodbye sweet voles
have enjoyed the unique and diverse programs we have been a part of
in Thailand. Teaching and playing with; the mentally and physically
challenged youth at Camillian Social Center, the children at the Baan
Than Namchai Orphanage and the Burmese refugee women and children has
been such a privilege. I never imagined that people faced with such
adversity could be so open and welcoming to a bunch of strangers. I
hope I was able to make a difference in their lives, I know they have
all made a huge difference in mine. Mollie O'Brien Oregon, USA
you ever search for a bigger reason for being on this planet? I found
mine now, it is love. Alexander Hecher, Austria
can truly say that the past 6 weeks have been incredible. I have met
so many people from all around the world and I have enjoyed every
second teaching at the Baan than nam chai orphanage, Baan nam khem
school, Kindergarten and the Burmese refugee camp. I am proud to have
been a volunteer here in Thailand and will most definitely consider
returning. Leaving the project and the children will be emotional,
but I have learnt so much about myself that I can take back with me.
you GVI! You''re awesome!
Rama, England
Thailand has truly been a memorable and enriching experience. The
diverse people you interact with, the rich cultural experience it
provides in conjunction with the community outreach projects makes it
a wholesome venture that is not only character building but
gratifying as well. Working at Camillian Social Centre has been
heartwarming and emotional while participating in the Baan Nam summer
camps, interacting with the children, has been thoroughly
exhilirating. The highlight of my trip was the visit to the Burmese
refugee centre – seeing their plight puts life in perspective and
seeing a smile on their face even momentarily makes this entire
experience meaningful and worthwhile. Leaving Baan Than Namchai
foundation will be bittersweet while the memories and relationships
formed here will truly last a lifetime.
Pratap, Australia.
I first came here to Thailand, I didn't know what to expect and how
much I should get out of it. With that fact in my hands, I am so
grateful that I did this trip. I can't explain it with words to you,
because it is something you have to discover for yourself.
Rigner, Sweden
a part of this project has been such a rewarding experience for me. I
had the opportunity to work and spend time with children from the
local community in summer camp, the Camillian Social Center and the
Burmese refugee detention center. The volunteers were a great bunch
too! These past 2 weeks have taught me so much I'm glad I decided to
volunteer with GVI.
Raju, Malaysia

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