A GVI Alumna Puts her TEFL to good use!
Kate, far right, wearing a pink princess hat at one of GVI's many themed parties.
Kate Fraser, a former 10-week GVI volunteer, has written to update us on her current TEFL-related endeavors. She writes:
After leaving Thailand I came back to Washington, DC to continue working for the student travel organization I had been with prior. Last summer they decided to run a pilot program that brought Japanese high school students to Harvard University for two weeks to study English. While I was not connected to the the project, I was so passionate about teaching English from my time at GVI that my supervisors let me leave my job for those weeks to teach on the program!

Starting to lesson plan and teach again was such a great feeling, and I had no idea how much I missed it. Teaching English is a unique experience - always challenging and unpredictable - but most of all, rewarding. A day doesn't go by that I don't think of my time teaching in Thailand, and now I can say the same of teaching my Japanese students. The Japanese school I taught for has asked me to come back again and teach this summer, and I am really looking forward to it. So a HUGE thank you for all the great experiences in Thailand and all that you do! I am definitely hoping to have other chances to put my TEFL certificate to use soon.

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