Songkran Week Activities at GVI Base!!
As Songkran, the Thai New Year, is one of the biggest holidays in Thailand (second only to the King's Birthday!), we rearranged our teaching schedule this term to allow teachers and students alike to take part in the multi-day festivities. For our part, we invited students and our friends in the community over to base on Wednesday and Thursday evenings to play games and practice their English.

Wednesday was 'GVI Olympics', which consisted of two events: a scavenger hunt around base using heaps of great vocab and a lively game of pictionary. On day 2, we had a market day where students were invited to purchase snacks using funny money and speaking only in English. In addition, we had more fun and games planned including ping pong spelling, face painting, badminton, puzzles and musical chairs - always a hit!
All in all, our two activity days were great fun and a wonderful chance to spend time with students outside of the classroom and give them a great opportunity to practice what they've learned!

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