Emma's Volunteer Story
Thailand volunteers have all sorts of opportunities to get involved with the local community. Below, Emma Reinhalter, one of GVI's TEFL volunteers, describes a Sunday with one of her students.This morning a level 2 student of mine, Dusit, invited all his teachers to his palm
tree, fruit and crab farm. He introduced his 92 (!!!!) year old father to us
who was still committed to weeding around the palm trees. Dusit explained that
he has five employees who cut the palm fruit, which weigh 50 kilos each. He then
asked them to demonstrate. They used a long pole, which could be adjusted in
size and had a sharp sickle attached to the end. Dusit then showed us his crab farm, located smack in the center of his palm tree
fields. He let us poke at and tease some of the crabs and then cooked up some great fresh crab. We all tasted the delicious crab and agreed that it was some of the best and freshest we had ever had.
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