Home Stay Project in Khao Lawm
After mucking it up everyone headed to their home stay houses to meet up with their new families and clean up for dinner. The evening consisted of a home cooked Thai meal of sweet and sour tofu, chicken coconut soup, rice, and Pad Thai. Afterwards there was a Thai sweet making workshop in which EMs got to try their hand at making local sweets and snacks. Later in the evening their was a mini-concert with villagers playing Thai rock music. Full and satsfied everyone returned to their home stays for a night of sleep.
Breakfast consisted of coffee, tea, and sweets from the workshop the night before. After breakfast everyone went for a walk through the village. They learned about the local fruits grown and rubber harvesting. The walk finished at the village temple where EMs helped the community to pick up trash and rake leaves to clean up the temple grounds. After exploring the temple everyone headed back "home" where they packed up, had lunch, and headed back to base.
The Khao Lawm Home Stay provided EMs with a great opportunity to experience rural Thai community life.

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